Subscriber vs Follower – What’s the Difference?

In the world of social media, the terms “subscriber” and “follower” are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different types of audience members. Understanding the differences between subscribers and followers can help you better engage with your audience and tailor your social media strategies.

Who Are Followers?

A follower is someone who has chosen to follow your brand on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. They are not necessarily committed to engaging with your content or taking action on your calls-to-action, but they have expressed an interest in your brand by choosing to follow you. If you know the right tactics, it’s very easy to boost followers on Instagram.

Benefits of Followers

  • Followers can help increase your social media reach and engagement by sharing your content with their own followers and networks.
  • Followers can provide social proof for your brand, showing others that there are people who are interested in and engaged with your content.
  • Followers can provide valuable feedback and insights into your audience’s interests and preferences. If you are interested in feedback that people leave after collaborating with the services that help gain more followers, read about SimplyGram here.

Who Are Subscribers?

A subscriber is someone who has opted-in to receive updates or content from your brand, typically through email or a newsletter subscription. They have actively chosen to hear from you and have provided their contact information, such as their email address, to receive your content. Subscribers are often considered more valuable than followers because they have shown a higher level of interest and commitment to your brand.

Benefits of Subscribers

  • Subscribers have actively chosen to receive updates from your brand, meaning they are more likely to engage with your content and take action on your calls-to-action.
  • Subscribers are often more receptive to promotional messages and offers since they have already shown an interest in your brand.
  • Subscribers are a valuable asset to your business as they can provide you with valuable feedback and insights into your audience’s interests and preferences.

Differences Between Subscribers and Followers

  • Subscribers have actively chosen to receive updates from your brand, while followers may have only clicked the “follow” button without any further action.
  • Subscribers have provided their contact information, while followers have not.
  • Subscribers have a higher level of interest and commitment to your brand, while followers may only be interested in certain aspects of your brand or content.

When to Focus on Subscribers vs Followers?

The type of audience you should focus on depends on your specific goals and objectives. If your goal is to increase sales or conversions, subscribers may be more valuable as they have shown a higher level of interest and are more likely to take action on your calls-to-action. If your goal is to increase brand awareness and engagement, followers may be more valuable as they can help increase your social media reach and engagement.

It’s important to note that both subscribers and followers are important to your brand’s success and should be nurtured and engaged with regularly. By providing valuable content, offering exclusive promotions or discounts, and asking for feedback and engagement, you can build a strong and engaged audience, whether they are subscribers, followers, or both.


In conclusion, subscribers and followers are two different types of audience members with different levels of interest and commitment to your brand. Subscribers have actively chosen to receive updates and have provided their contact information, while followers have chosen to follow your brand on social media. While both subscribers and followers are important to your brand’s success, the type of audience you should focus on depends on your specific goals and objectives. By providing valuable content, offering exclusive promotions or discounts, and asking for feedback and engagement, you can build a strong and engaged audience, whether they are subscribers, followers, or both.